All posts by Roger Pannell

The new library

Our school library, full of interesting books for the children to enjoy. Most of our school children have no books at home in their huts so this is a space where they can self learn and broaden their minds.

The library was built by all the school staff who gave up their weekends and holiday time to build the book shelves, paint the walls and lay the floor.

Scottish supporter and Head Teacher Margaret raised the money and bought the books and materials.

2016 – what we have achieved

(Photo – some children discussing Maasai culture with a UK school, via Skype)

As we approach the end of the year, here is a quick round-up of what we have achieved in 2016, with the help of our sponsors, donors and  volunteers:

  • 185 children received an education
  • Another 25 sponsors will support the new children starting in 2017
  • Two more classrooms build ready for January 2017
  • The fundraising for another classroom is completed
  • One new bore-hole now working properly with water for the community and a large food growing plot.
  • A total of 227 hand pumps now repaired. These were installed by other charities then left.
  • The orphange is now open, with children there since September
  • The clinic is getting a good reputation and starting to really help the community.

We look forwards to an equally successfull 2017.

Repairing other charities’ hand pumps for clean water.

The project to repair hand pumps continued over the Christmas  holidays, with another 5 put back into service. Some are difficult to repair, some are easy but nearly all are in rural locations difficult to reach. One of the 5 pumps repaired had been out of use for 7 years yet it was the only clean water source for 1500 people. It was a cheap, simple repair. We have taught the community the skills to maintain this pump, but why didn’t the original charity who installed the pump 8 years ago teach them how to maintain it? We want this pump to work forever and not just until the next breakdown.

Another working hand pump
Another working hand pump and another community with clean water.

From 25 gms to 40 Kgms

The school has just harvested the crop of onions, turning 25 gms of seeds into 40 Kgms of onions, ready for school lunches. The growing area, Harry’s Garden, saves the school money but more importantly it teaches the children of pastoralist parents how to grow food. The school kitchen will have finished these onions around November, when the next crop will be harvested.

Growing onions
Growing onions

Satellite image of the school

Google maps now has a great satellite picture of the school. Top left is the clinic, top right the bore-hole solar panels and tanks. The school is L shaped (it will be an upturned U once completed) with the kitchen and dining below.The small blue roof is the pit toilets and you can just see part of the vegetable plot to the right. Below this is the teachers’ houses. The ground is mainly volcanic rock with the odd small patch of soil.

During 2015, we hope to build an orphanage in the school grounds. This will be between the kitchen / dining room and the teachers’ houses.

The 2015 Baby class

Our new baby class (4 year olds) started a couple of weeks ago. Here they all are in front of their classroom. The 25 children are very excited to be going to school, especially as many of their friends do not go to school. We had about 100 applicants for 25 places, so sorry to the ones we could not accommodate

Tablet computers for the school

Our latest project to enhance the education at the school in Kenya. On the last trip to Kenya we took 1 tablet computer full of educational maths and literacy software. The kids just loved it and learnt maths so fast. Now we are fundraising to buy another 14 tablets. Good 7″ tablets are now as little as £69 plus a further few pounds for the software – say £80 all in.

Planting Time

The school is using the last of the rains to plant some trees and shrubs around the school. Everyone is involved – children, teachers, cleaners and even the cook. In the next few weeks, the rains will stop and we will use the water from the bore-hole to keep the shrubs growing. Soon the school will be a green patch in a dry brown area.