New 'un-breakable' footballs.

The Orphanage & Safe House

Why build an orphanage and safe-house?
Because we work with the poorest of the poor, many of the children at our school are orphans or from very difficult backgrounds. There is no government safety net in Kenya to support such children.

The life expectancy in Kenya is low about 69 men and 74 for women and life expectancy for the Maasai is even lower at between 45-55 yrs (as at Dec 2024).  Each year a few of our school children become orphans or lose 1 parent.

A small orphanage at the school has supported such children to allow them to continue to receive an education and be cared for. Orphans need the best education as they will not have parents to support them as they move into adulthood.

The orphanage will also act as a safe house for girls from our school under threat of early marriage or female genital mutilation (FGM) or cutting. See our newsletter to read what we are doing to prevent FGM.

During the rainy season, it will also cater for those children who are unable to reach the school as they cannot cross the swollen rivers. We will add a large number of extra mattresses for these occasions.

The orphanage - November 2015.
The orphanage during construction – November 2015.